Tag: life

Reinventing Yourself for Retirement

Reinventing Yourself for Retirement

Retirement means reinventing yourself. Your daily life changes. The people surrounding you every day may change. You might sell your house and move but even if you stay in the same house and in the same town, life changes. We downsized, sold our house and 

To The Moon and Back, Remember?

To The Moon and Back, Remember?

Of course I remember. Bedtime was always special. It was the most important ritual in our home. The days were busy. Really busy. In fact, I don’t know how we did it all. Most of my friends look back and feel the same wonder. We 

🎼Happy Birthday To ME!

🎼Happy Birthday To ME!

🎶🎶Happy Birthday To Me Happy Birthday To Me Happy Birthday, I’m 60. . . .  Happy Birthday To Me🎶🎶 I want to write something really heartfelt and prophetic here, but all I can think of is when in the world did this happen?  How can I 

10 Little White Lies I Tell Myself

10 Little White Lies I Tell Myself

I like who I am. I mean I like myself most of the time. I don’t like everything about myself, but I’ve come to terms with my good traits and my not-so-good traits. I have a few gifts that I’m appreciative of, some things I’m